The Green Print brand promotes the implementation by companies involved in printing activities of concrete actions leading to a reduction of their impact on the environment.

The creation of Green Print
The Green Print brand was created in 1998 by the Chamber of Trade and Crafts of Loir-et-Cher region, and by the Regional Chamber of Trade and Crafts of Centre region. Since 2007, the Pole of Printing Innovation (P2i) has taken over its management at national level.
The Green Print network
Green Print is a network composed of about 200 environmental representatives in the Chamber of Trade and Crafts and in the Chambers of Trade and Industry: the Green Print referents. Trained in graphic industries, they visit the sites before the launching the application process.
The application process
The brand Green Print is awarded by procurement committees who validate the compliance with the specifications based on an application established by the referent. The allocation of the brand is valid for one civil year, the renewal is thereafter done upon substantiating documents. Every three years, a follow-up visit is conducted by a referent.
Governance of the brand
The national advisory committee meets at least once a year with the task of evaluating the efficiency of the actions implemented. This committee is the only one entitled to develop the Green Print specifications. It is made of the following organisations:

Ensuring environmental, social and economic benefits.
FSC certification is a tool based on the requirements of the market and which aims at promoting a responsible management of forests throughout the world. The products coming from FSC certified forests are controlled from theirpoint of origin, all through the manufacturing process and up to their distribution. The FSC label allows to certify that the products used come from controlled resources and are harvested in a responsible way.
DB Group uses FSC raw materials

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